Sunday, October 26, 2008

The word enemy is described as ‘one that attacks or tries to harm another"
George Orwell's enemies are Burmese people and also the British Empire as he was a subdivisional police officer and he had to follow the Britsh Raj command while the Burmese didnt like him because he was also the part of those people who took over there country.
While in all this Mr Orwell and the Burmese had new mutual enemy which is the elephant, the elephant tried to ruin the Bamboo houses even he killed a coolie who was innocent. George Orwell had to save the place though he hate the people as well but he was left with no choice.So he went off and shoot the elephant.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


The day was finally here for which we are waiting for so long.My family decided to go for rafting.As my father knew about this quite well.Anyways,finally we packed up our bags and went their.When we got to the river... it was a complete breathtaking site. The water had the bluest colour that i had ever seen and the sound so refreshing to the ears. I loved the beautiful view of the river and the sun giving us all the warmth just made the day perfect.This whole site attracted me as well as my siblings and on my insist we all went to take a dip,it was so fun. rafting turned out to be alot more fun then I imagined.